SPZ | Integrated case-packing and case-palletizing monobloc

This machine offers a compact layout due to the integration of exit facility for the case in the pallet magazine area. The machine has been designed taking into account overall dimensions, easy access, easy and fast size change-over operations. The case packing module is fully cantelever structured with clear separation between mechanical and operational groups. A plain, reliable system for forming conveying/closing the cases, combined with the well tested system for stacking/filling the products, makes the machine extremely reliable and fit to operate in particularly demanding environments and conditions. Case closure takes place by means of self-adhesive tape, moistening-type paper or hot-melt glue. Size change-over operations are carried-out by means of the CAM patented system Mechanical Memory®. The case packer module can be provided with optional additional equipment as follows: taping system with tape application over the entire case perimeter, case coding system, label application system, printers for labels, a.s.o.